Tickets & Donations: Ticket prices for this show are $10 General Admission/$5 Student plus a processing fee. Please purchase your tickets in advance on this website. There are no ticket sales at the door. If you are able, please consider donating an additional amount to help cover the cost of costumes, set construction materials and props.  

Ticket sales are the primary way we fund our productions. Thank you for your support! 

Seating: The house will open 30 minutes prior to each performance for general seating. 

CCS Staff Comps: CCS Theatre would like to offer complimentary tickets to any current member of CCS staff from any campus. In addition, your immediate family - spouse and children - or one guest are also complimentary. To redeem this offer, please give your name and number of family members attending to the ticketing volunteer at the door.  

Volunteer Comps: If you have donated time, snacks or meals to this production, we would like to thank you by offering one free ticket per volunteer position served. You can redeem your ticket by giving your name at the door. The ticketing volunteer will check you off the volunteer comp list. Your help is appreciated! 

Enjoy the show!

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